Registration date2012-10-24
Last visit2014-10-23
Forum posts0
Texts added11
Texts in Publixo.com
Volume: Magia uczuć (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Piękno romance2012-10-24
Zakochani poetry2012-10-24
Porwani romance2012-10-25
Volume: moje poszukiwania (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
ON poetry2012-10-25
Posłowie do Marzy mi się Irlandia poetry2012-11-09
Wzgórza Itaki poetry2012-11-10
Uśmiech poetry2012-11-10
przemówili milczący... poetry2012-11-10
Ekstremizm poetry2012-11-10
Poeta poetry2012-11-10
- no ratings -
Volume: Ojczyzna (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Dzikie zagony poetry2012-11-10
- no ratings -
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