The Innocence Mission.
Number of texts14
Volume typevolume of poems
Date added2013-03-10
Last modification2014-01-16   17:03
Current version18
Linguistic correctness
Text quality
TitleGenreDate addedRating
bieg ulic poetry2013-03-11
jestem kimś innym poetry2013-05-22
- no ratings -
czy słyszysz? poetry2013-05-22
- no ratings -
Forroy poetry2013-10-20
cztery księżyce poetry2013-10-27
ja i spokój poetry2013-11-07
konkretna noc poetry2013-11-09
liczne blizny poetry2013-03-11
tamto i to życie poetry2013-11-12
zły człowiek poetry2013-11-12
5 minut poetry2013-11-22
płynąca chwila poetry2013-11-29
- no ratings -
rebelia poetry2013-12-11
- no ratings -
NIEstety poetry2014-01-16
- no ratings -
Other volumes by this Author
TitleVolume typeNumber of textsDate added
Kartki z pamiętnika.miscellaneous32013-03-23
Le black-outvolume of poems132013-03-12
Dépressive l'artiste.novel12013-03-10
Là-bas.volume of poems152013-05-16
Tata.volume of poems22013-11-08
Larumvolume of poems12014-03-14
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