Taka jestem
Number of texts11
Volume typevolume of poems
Date added2020-01-27
Last modification2020-02-21   11:16
Current version14
Linguistic correctness
Text quality
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Wątpliwość common life2020-02-01
- no ratings -
Muzyka wiatru poetry2020-02-01
- no ratings -
Taka jestem poetry2020-01-27
- no ratings -
Depresja common life2020-02-09
Oszust common life2020-02-09
- no ratings -
NIC poetry2020-02-10
- no ratings -
Nałóg common life2020-02-10
- no ratings -
Natchnienie common life2020-02-13
- no ratings -
Co los dał common life2020-02-13
- no ratings -
Szybki kierowca common life2020-02-16
- no ratings -
Mój dom common life2020-02-21
- no ratings -
Other volumes by this Author
TitleVolume typeNumber of textsDate added
Winovolume of poems12020-01-27
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