Number of texts37
Volume typevolume of poems
Date added2011-12-07
Last modification2012-01-24   10:04
Current version39
Linguistic correctness
Text quality
TitleGenreDate addedRating
TRANSPORT poetry2011-12-08
SPECTRUM poetry2011-12-09
MĘCZENNIK poetry2011-12-10
- no ratings -
BIEDNY ? poetry2011-12-12
CZERŃ poetry2011-12-13
W DRODZE poetry2011-12-14
OGRODZENIE poetry2011-12-15
EDUKACJA poetry2011-12-16
SPOSÓB poetry2011-12-17
KAWA poetry2011-12-18
KORZENIE poetry2011-12-19
PODRÓŻ poetry2011-12-20
KASZTAN poetry2011-12-21
ZUŻYTY poetry2011-12-22
ŻYCIE poetry2011-12-23
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KSIĄŻKA poetry2011-12-24
PAŃSTWO poetry2011-12-25
WIEŻA poetry2011-12-26
WŁASNOŚĆ poetry2011-12-27
PIES poetry2011-12-28
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GILOTYNA poetry2011-12-29
ŻOŁNIERZ poetry2011-12-30
BŁOGOSŁAWIEŃSTWO poetry2011-12-31
SINGIEL poetry2012-01-01
KUCHNIA poetry2012-01-02
BUTY poetry2012-01-03
SMAK poetry2012-01-04
ZASADY poetry2012-01-05
RADOŚĆ istnienia poetry2012-01-06
RĘCZNIK poetry2012-01-07
INACZEJ poetry2012-01-08
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KARTKA poetry2012-01-11
OCHLAPANY poetry2012-01-13
JEDNO II poetry2012-01-15
ŁGARSTWO poetry2012-01-17
OWOC poetry2012-01-21
SYNONIM poetry2012-01-24
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