Registration date2018-09-23
Last visit2024-04-25
Forum posts0
Texts added86
Texts in Publixo.com
Volume: Prus (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Rozalka poetry2018-09-23
Antek poetry2018-09-24
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Volume: Barszcz (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Bieszczadzki barszcz poetry2018-09-25
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Anielski barszcz poetry2018-09-26
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Świniobicie po ciężkiej nocy poetry2018-09-27
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Oko za oko. Barszcz za barszcz poetry2018-09-28
Volume: 2015 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Awantura o Basię poetry2018-09-29
Chluśniem, bo uśniem! poetry2018-09-30
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Drakońska wymiana poetry2018-10-01
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Kamienna twarz wielebnego poetry2018-10-02
Młody poetry2018-10-03
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Porachunki za wschodnią granicą poetry2018-10-04
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Tory poetry2018-10-05
Wszyscy jesteśmy Chrystusami poetry2018-10-06
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Volume: 2017 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Chłost Anna poetry2018-10-07
Latarnik poetry2018-10-08
Volume: Wyższy (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Wyższy poetry2018-10-09
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Kulig poetry2018-10-10
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Znów w szatni poetry2018-10-11
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Cegiełka poetry2018-10-12
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Wyższa poetry2018-10-13
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Finał poetry2018-10-14
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Biwak Zapałowicza poetry2018-10-15
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Jedzie pociąg z daleka poetry2018-10-16
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Niższy poetry2018-10-17
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Globus poetry2018-10-18
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Volume: 2016 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Chłopiec z zapalniczką poetry2018-10-19
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Jutro zaczyna się dziś poetry2018-10-21
Volume: 2018 (novel)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Achtung! poetry2018-10-22
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Awaria dźwigu poetry2018-10-23
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Błędy młodości poetry2018-10-24
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Brunatne szambo zalało syreny poetry2018-10-25
Francois Ravaillac poetry2018-10-26
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Góral poetry2018-10-27
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Kulig poetry2018-10-28
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Prawicowiec poetry2018-10-29
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Wychodek poetry2018-10-30
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Braciszek poetry2018-11-24
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Działka poetry2018-12-13
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Plantacje poetry2018-12-17
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Volume: 2012 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Ojczym poetry2018-10-31
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Słowo o antysemityzmie poetry2018-11-01
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Volume: 2008 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Gdy przeglądam czasami podręcznik z historii... poetry2018-11-02
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Volume: Oskarżony (volume of short stories)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Oskarżony asystent projektanta - demo humor / grotesque2018-11-03
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Volume: Mój Ojciec... (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Uroczysty Dzień Komunii poetry2018-11-03
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Święty Mikołaj poetry2018-11-04
Liczniki poetry2018-11-05
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Ojczym na materacu poetry2018-12-11
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Dzień Dziecka poetry2019-12-18
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Pewnego jesiennego wieczoru... poetry2020-08-28
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Volume: 2006 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Łoj! Babina wpadła do ogniska! poetry2018-12-31
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Volume: 2019 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Dziadek mróz poetry2019-01-16
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Akumulator poetry2019-01-22
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Matka i automobil poetry2019-02-12
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Głupi wiek poetry2019-03-29
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Nie powiedziałem więcej nikomu poetry2019-05-18
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Hulejnoga poetry2019-07-15
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Ga-Pa poetry2019-07-18
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I tak dobrze, że nie mieszkałem w Norwegii poetry2019-07-25
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I tak dobrze, że nie mieszkałem w Norwegii. Dekadę później poetry2019-07-29
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Księżniczka plantacji poetry2019-09-24
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Niedziela handlowa poetry2019-11-11
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Mumia poetry2019-12-31
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Volume: 2020 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Maleńki stosik poetry2020-01-05
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Komórka z kamerą poetry2020-01-09
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Ojczymie poetry2020-01-19
Przebudzenie wiosny poetry2020-04-19
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Muszę wam coś o sobie powiedzieć... poetry2020-08-16
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Volume: 2021 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Geneza poetry2021-02-25
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Adrian poetry2021-03-21
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W Polsce jedyny prawdziwy poetry2021-05-20
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Morskie Oko poetry2021-08-12
Volume: 2022 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
25 batów za nic poetry2022-03-12
Fala poetry2022-08-14
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Volume: 2023 (volume of poems)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Cudownych rodziców mam... poetry2023-03-16
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Volume: Marcin (volume of short stories)
TitleGenreDate addedRating
Kara za kradzież humor / grotesque2024-04-16
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Wyjazd służbowy horror / thriller2024-04-17
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Prywatna służba humor / grotesque2024-04-17
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Automat z przekąskami humor / grotesque2024-04-19
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Faux pas w delegacji humor / grotesque2024-04-19
Niezależność audytu common life2024-04-21
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Kawałek ciasta humor / grotesque2024-04-21
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Niemieckie wyjście humor / grotesque2024-04-23
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Urlop w biurze humor / grotesque2024-04-23
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Zamach mystery & crime2024-04-25
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